Angevin Britain and Scandinavia
A study of medieval relations between the literatures of the British and Scandinavian countries.
“In those days was the same language in England as in Norway and Denmark; but the speech changed when William the Bastard conquered England.” — Gunnlaugs Saga
“THE temperamental affinities of the English and Scandinavian races their individualism, their hardihood, their enterprisehave roots very deep in the past.* For the Anglo-Saxon race, while speaking a language closely related to German, nevertheless possesses a deep infusion of blood from the North. Three times the island of Britain was overrun by men from the Danish peninsula and Norway. While most of us recognize the Scandinavian origin of Danes and Normans, we have not so generally recognized that the Angles and Jutes were also Scandinavian in origin. But evidence has accumulated to show that they too had their home for centuries in Denmark and were allied in blood and customs to the men of the North.”
(This book is in the public domain by now (copyright free). We do not take payment for writing it or for have any rights to it, only for a finders fee, and making it available on our platform.)
AudioBook is coming.
kr 189,00
Additional information
Book-author | Henry Goddard Leach (Harvard) |
Format | eBook PDF |
ISBN | 978-82-8471-000-6 |
Language | English |
Pages | 227 |
Publisher | HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Sagaheim |
Year Published | 1921, 2024 |
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