47 Identifications of the British Nation with the Lost Tribes of Israel

As stated in my first Epistle, I did not aspire, at the time I sat down to commit my thoughts to paper for the issue of this Work, to add conspicuously to the literature of my country. I found myself in possession of light that I had received in boyhood, which had taken so firm a hold upon my mind as to be always present with me, and under the influence of which I invariably read the Word of God. The matter grew upon me, until, in the course of years, I clearly saw that the Identity of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel was the one grand, great essential of the age — the one thing to be accomplished before ever the sublime conceptions of the mind of the Almighty, given forth in His eternal Word, could be realised before the entire nations of the earth, constituting to them THE CALL to seek Redemption in Christ, when all creation shall b*d engrossed in the all-absorbing theme of Glory to God.

By an influence, not of earth, I have been led to come before the British Nation with my views. God has sanctioned my effort. No other power but His has led to such great success. Poor in thought, badly written, oftentimes clumsily put together, I put forth my work solely in faith, that God would give to it His breath of Life.

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Edward Hine

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Edward Hine


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Year Published

1871, 2024


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