The Restoration Of Israel

John Llewellyn Thomas (1864 – 1957). General surgeon. Born in 1864 he was educated at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, where he served as house surgeon. He was resident medical officer at Farringdon General Dispensary, and medical superintendent of the Mildmay Mission Hospital at Bethnal Green. He went to Colombo, Ceylon as a medical missionary about 1901, but returned to Barnet, Herts after the first world war. He was for a time medical superintendent of the Bristol Medical Missionary Society, living at Clifton; then practised for some twelve years at Foulsham, Norfolk; and finally retired to Barnet about 1938. He died there on 22 February 1957 aged 92, survived by his wife Mary McLeod and three daughters.

The two kingdoms of Israel and Judah began their independent existence in 975 B.C., after the death of Solomon, and they continued to exist side by side, generally in deadly antagonism, for two and a half centuries, at the close of which time the kingdom of Israel was destroyed while the southern, the Jewish kingdom, continued as a realm for nearly another century and a half.

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J. Llewellyn Thomas

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J. Llewellyn Thomas




Audio Book, eBook PDF






Marshall Brothers, Limited, Sagaheim

Year Published

1922, 2024

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