Our Israelite Origin
“The Mystery ” to be disclosed upon the opening of “the Book,” is very clearly intimated by the prophet Isaiah, chap. xxix. But ” a very little while before Lebanon should be ” turned into a fruitful field”— before the curse should be taken from the Land, and the People of Promise restored thereto in blessing, ” the deaf” were to “hear the words of the Book ;” and thereupon the God of Israel is found to have been a covenant-keeping God.
Not another people in their place, whether Jews or Gentiles, but the very Children of Promise themselves have been found, when “the manifestation of the sons of God” has taken place (Rom. viii. 19-25).
(This original book is in the public domain by now (copyright free). We do not take payment for writing it or for have any rights to it’s original, only for a finders fee, and making it available with our derivative work © of this version of it, that is on our platform.)
kr 192,00
Additional information
Book-author | John Wilson |
ISBN | 978-82-91314-82-2 |
Format | Ebook |
Language | English |
Pages | 440 |
Publisher | James Nisbet & Co. |
Year Published | 1840 |
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